Lee Min Ho Launched His Own YouTube Channel, "Leeminho film"

South Korean actor Lee Min Ho is now a YouTube vlogger too. Lee Min Ho's YouTube channel, was launched on October 30, 2020 and he named that as "Leeminho film", and this moment he has 715K subscribers. 

Lee Min Ho's YouTube channel so far has fourteen videos under three categories. The categories are Movielog, X log and Brand film. There are seven videos in Movielog, five videos in Xlog, and two videos in Brand film. 

Lee Min Ho is credited as the executive producer and creative director, and he collaborates with director Zho Won Seock.

Last October 16, Lee Min-ho posted a photo showing several typographies and iterations for "Leeminho Film Presents," and asked his Instagram followers about what they prefer among those options. As it turned out, he was consulting his fans for what would be his YouTube channel's logo. 

However he selected attractive and simple logo as his YouTube channel's logo. 

If you didn't watch his YouTube channel yet, you can go to YouTube and search as "Leeminho film". Then enjoy your time with his amazing videos.

Thank You !

Photos from :- Facebook

Lee Min Ho Main Profile Here

All Artist List Here


  1. Glad to know about this. Good luck Lee Min Ho for another milestone.

    1. Thank You for your comment. Stay in touch with us.


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